Ok so this is just a start... but every time I can think of something to add to it I will come edit it.. do you have a bucket list?? please comment and tell me about it. :D

-write a novel.. (a successful novel)
-travel to New Zealand
-go skydiving
-perform on stage with one of my idols
-invent something
-shock the world
-invent a secret identity named Zoey
-save a life
-work at the either the King or Queen tower
-make my grandfather smile a true smile
-get described as "nice"
-change someone's life
-understand my beliefs.
-make a million dollars
-find a four leaf clover
-get kissed in the rain
-base jump off of Niagara Falls
-find the love of my life
-hug a polar bear
-befriend a kiwi :) (the animal)
-get recorded talking to myself
-write a play
-get married
-witness my sister get married
-cook an impressive meal for my dad
-convert someone to a religion I don't belong to
-go a week without talking
-live as a blind man for a day
-show my sister that I rock
-coach a soccer team
-be on TV
-die my hair an outrageous color
-take my dalmatian to the beach
-hear 1000 people scream my name
-make a rock star smile
-create something magnificent
-get more than 1 follower on my blog...